Mention your privacy policy near the form or submit button

One of the top reasons users don’t fill out lead forms is the uncertainty of what might be done with their information. Set expectations. Provide a link to your privacy policy under or near your form that ensures their personal information will be safe and won’t be sold or distributed to third parties. If you don’t have an official privacy policy, try implementing a short line of copy that reassures users their contact information won’t be abused.

Show some social proof

We’re all subconsciously wired to seek to be a part of a group. If you have a sizable following, whether it be on social media or a general customer base, show it off. Knowing that there is a large group of people with whom your users share common goals and interests can add reassurance to their decision-making process. Publish your social media follower counts or even individual post “likes” and shares to your page — but be mindful that a lack of followers could also have the opposite effect! If you’re still building your social media following, try simply utilizing supportive calls to action. Think along the lines of McDonald’s “Billions and billions served”.